Michael Taylor

Michael Taylor – Founder of Taylortown SEO

Most businesses like to save money. Business owners need to be careful not overpay for any materials or services they purchase. So how can underpaying for SEO or Web Design services spell disaster for your business?






Your presence on the internet is your public face. Why spend immense effort building quality into your brand, but neglect your online presence simply due to price. Below, I list ten reasons for not to make pricing your only deciding factor when evaluating Web Design and SEO providers.


1. To properly practice SEO, the company you hire must understand the dynamics of your marketplace. Who are your fierce competitors? Who is your targeted customer and what are their demographics? Cheap SEO providers will not take the time to consider your competitive environment when they build your quick and cheap website.

2. Cheap SEO and web designers violate copyright laws. Cheap web designers will snatch a copyrighted image and place it on your website, exposing you to legal claims. Want to pay a photographer thousands of dollars for the copyrighted image you stole? Insist on seeing a proof of license for all images.

3. Cheap SEO providers will incur the wrath of Google long after you’ve paid their invoice. Google will penalize your site for an unnatural or spammy linking pattern. Don’t expect your cheap SEO provider to answer your call when your website has been “Google Spanked”.

4. Cheap SEO providers will typically want to auto-debit your credit card. To them it’s the gift that just keeps giving.

5. Cheap Web Designers will have access to your guarded passwords and website log-in info. Have a dispute and they might lock you out of your website, hosting account or worse. Maybe they will place a few spammy links on your site to benefit other clients, so deep in your code that you will never find them.

6. Cheap Web designers will not produce an SEO friendly web site. Your little flash animation intro just killed your rankings in Google. Why didn’t they mention this when you agreed to spend extra for the dancing giraffe.

7. Cheap SEO providers are often located off-shore but claim to have a U.S. presence.

8. Cheap SEO providers will show increased website traffic, but is the traffic human? Automated bot traffic can be counted as website visits on traffic reports; but when was the last time an automated bot bought anything?

9. Cheap website designers are here today and gone tomorrow. Have a problem or need website updates in the future? Your cheap web designer is long gone and it’s time to start over.

10. Finally good website design and SEO is at least 50% marketing acumen. Marketing acumen is gained from study, experience and insight. Your cheap website wrangler has none of these skills and no desire to learn.

[note style=”alert” show_icon=”true”]Research potential providers in Google before making any commitments and never provide your credit card info. [/note]

TaylorTown SEO strictly adheres to best practices and highest ethical standards with our clients. Don’t ask us to write you phony Google reviews or sabotage your competitor; we just won’t do it for any price.  We are honest about our capabilities and the benefits you can expect by using our services. We’ve been serving this market for over five years and intend to grow by supporting our clients for many years to come.


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